Monday, August 30, 2010

Boys Weekend

This weekend was all about the boys! Friday night we just hung out at home....we had a big day planned on Saturday.

Saturday morning the boys got to go out to Sac State and participate in a baseball clinic featuring the Sac State coaching staff, team and several professional players. It was AWESOME! They had the best time. The clinic was favorite part! :) If the boys were older it would have been a little more exciting. They had scouts from six major league teams in attendance...could you imagine!?! N felt the need to tell them that he was really only know, since you had to be eight to participate in the clinic. The lady just laughed and let him play anyways. He was super nervous before it started and wasn't sure he wanted to play and I think he ended up having the best time. The players really tried to impress on the kids the importance of school and playing outside rather than video games and txt'ing. Overall - a great experience for all of us.

After the clinic we went home and relaxed a little, changed and ate dinner before we headed over to ARCO to watch the MegaTriples ASA BMX show. I got a email earlier in the week for $10 tix. This happened last year with the circus. The seats ended up being really good but I also have a friend that works part time at the arena and he ended up getting us moved to the front row floor. The kids got to high-five the riders. It was awesome! I did repeat often that they should not go home and try any of these tricks in the front yard. DO NOT DO IT! :) These kids (and men) were amazing. I paid more to park my car in the lot than I did to park my kids butt in a seat.

So basically they spent the morning touching pro baseball players and the evening touching pro-BMX riders...I wasn't sure I was going to get them to take a shower! :)

They had a great time at both and I loved watching them. We got some ice cream after the show and then home to play a little more Price Is Right.

Sunday we had pizza with my family and then went on a bike ride. Other than that it was pretty low key day. Not nearly enough cleaning or laundry happened at my house so that is a must this week.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shut your mouth!

I have a serious problem with this. You would think based on the amount of input I provide that my life was perfect. So not the case so please tell me why I can't seem to keep my opinion to myself about anything lately. It is a fucking epidemic.

Coach and his kids, D enjoying her remodel, J & A and the meds that little A is going to be taking..anything and everything. I swear I need to tape my damn mouth closed. Thank GOD these people like me enough so far to continue to talk to me but if I don't shut up soon I am going to be giving my opinion to WallE about how to properly lick his backside...UGH!

I give in...I will still have way too much to say but I am going to try and only say it in my head for a little while. My perpetual need to get it done and "help" those I care about is kicking my ass (or more like kicking the ass of everyone else)...not fun!



Last night we went home and I made dinner and then we started homework. N had finished his and E only had reading left. He used to LOVE to read but hearing other kids his age talk about hating it he decided he did too so he didn't read at all this summer. He was pretty bummed at the beginning of school that he only tested slightly over the end of 4th grade reading level (he had been in 4th grade for 2 days at this point). I was pleased with his results but said maybe if he had read more during the summer he would have scored higher...just a thought.

So back to last night...we are sitting on my bed and I set the timer for 30 minutes. I was reading my book next to him and just as time was running out he asked what I would do when the 30 minutes was up and I said I planned on reading more..I LOVE my books. He decided the same and we read for over an hour. He really enjoyed it and said he remembers that he does love to read...let's hope he continues.

N on the other hand decided last night was a good time to be a bit crazy. "Mom, I want to adopt a baby penguin. He can live in our freezer and I will check on him ever 4 weeks." I have no idea. Later..."Maybe a shark too. He can stay in the bath tub until he gets big and then we can move to Grandpa's and he can stay in the pool." E points out that sharks bite and so we couldn't swim anymore. "Duh E, it would be a pet shark so he wouldn't bite anybody. I love Great White sharks." This kid was killing me! :)

After the entertainment of N, we went to play Price Is Right on the Wii. N won and promises to take me on his trip to Paris and I get the wine cooler but he is keeping his golf cart. Sounds like a fair deal...wonder when they deliver?

Monday, August 23, 2010


I really still can't believe the weekend is over ALREADY! UGH! GRRR!

Friday night after work I went home and hung out with the kiddos. We had pancakes for dinner and watched some stupid movie. Terribly exciting stuff!

Saturday the boys went to play golf with grandpa and my mom and I went to see Eat, Pray, Love. It was a good movie. I don't think I would have left Italy...ever! I wonder what it would be like to get to just move, leave, change your mind. Restart your whole life. Hmmm? Later I ran some errands and hung out at home mostly. Later that night we went to help Coach finish up a project at his family restaurant. It wasn't as quick as I thought. We got home late and crashed.

Sunday I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, finished my book, watched another movie, laid around the house and eventually went back to help at the restaurant some more...a lot more! The boys really liked hanging out so they didn't mind...not to mention pizza for dinner.

Today I am tired, my house is a little messy and I didn't get my laundry finished. I wish it was Friday all over again. I want to lay on my couch some more...PLEASE! The weekend didn't feel nearly as boring as it was actually really nice. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday!

I am so glad the weekend is here! We had a pretty busy week around our house.

Monday night we spent some time with some out of towners we seriously miss. It was awesome. Tuesday I helped Coach do some manual sucked! Wednesday the boys and I went home after work/school and crashed in our jammies, ate chinese food and watched cartoons. Last night was back to school night and I got to meet the boys teachers and learn about the year ahead.

It was our first full week of school and all that comes with it. The boys have done great. E gets his homework done at the after school program and N hasn't had any yet but will do the same. They both seem to have settled in nicely. THANKFULLY!

Our weekend plans consist of N-O-T-H-I-N-G! OMG! I am so excited. We are just going to be home, be lazy, watch TV, clean up, bake, sleep, not get dressed, ride bikes, do some yard work and maybe some garage cleaning and READ, READ, READ! No birthday parties, weddings, family functions...just two days of free time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

School was a hit! The boys both love their teachers and the new school...even the after school program. Two days of school and two days off sounded like a good idea to them.

After school we went and had ice cream like usual and heard all the details of the day. N ended up with his BEST FRIEND in class. He was so brave going into class thinking he didn't know any other kids and then was surprised with his buddy. I was so happy for him. E knew lots of kids in his class and seemed pretty unconcerned about the whole new school thing.

Friday night we went to the G family's house for dinner again. I am so going to steal that baby. We had lots of wine (again), yummy food (again), hot tub party (again) and stayed up way too late. Saturday we went to their daughter's soccer game and then over to my parents house for dinner and swimming and water sliding. Got to spend some time talking with my dad and just hanging out.

Sunday was major house cleaning day...UGH! It was a task but it was much needed. Now the garage needs to be cleaned and the rest of the yard sale stuff donated to charity. I have a wish list of other things I would like to "fix" around the house. None of them are actual broken things...just the stuff I want to change. Nothing will be happening soon but it's good to have ideas ready should I come into a large influx of cash...yeah, that is so going to happen any day now!

This week is pretty low key for us. Chicago fam over tonight and back to school later in the week and that is just about it for us. Maybe some garage cleaning mid-week - oh that sounds like so much fun! I figure homework will start any day now.....even more fun!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I'm tired! Things always seem to be the same.

I am really excited for the boys to start school. I know they are excited too. New clothes, backpacks, lunch pails, shoes...the works. New school, teachers, friends.

Sometimes...I want that! Work is the same, and oh so fun! The house never seems to stay clean. I spend all weekend cleaning and then it is thrashed. My niece isn't helping in that at all. Tomorrow is the last day so I am just letting it go until then. I am frustrated to be worrying about money again. Loser isn't paying and this month child care will run me about $1,200! I have two weeks of summer care, one 3 wk month of school care and then I have to pay September at the end of August and it is a 5 wk month...YIKES! School clothes and all those extra expenses have just been taxing at the moment.

Ironically, when I think about it I really don't want much more than I have. Life is good. I love what I do, I just wish it was more like before the buyout and for more $$$. I wish I wasn't struggling with the financial aspect. Considering I have been careful with my decisions and this is a result of someone else it is hard to take sometimes. I love my babies, my friends and fam...and don't need anything else in that department. So I guess it is just less work stress and more $$$. Gosh, $$ worries..I must be the only one (whine, whine, whine) Target is just going to have to deal with the lose of revenue!

The kids are happy and I have been spending time with the BFF's a lot and with school back in our schedule should be back to normal soon. Grandma L will be here soon and I can't wait to see her and the kids.

Just a little funky lately....made some cookies...maybe that will turn it around! :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Update....

Friday night I took my Grandma to the cemetery to visit with my Grandpa and then the boys and I ran some errands with Coach and his son. We made a quick stop at Rubio's for dinner and then I raced home because A & J decided to come over and hang out. The girlies had wanted to watch a movie I got the other day so they came to watch it with the boys and we decided to have a cocktail or two and hang out. WE HAD FUN! :) The kids watched the movie, we laughed a lot, I took the kids on a bike ride around the block a few 11:00. :) They stayed and played until after midnight.

Saturday we had lunch for my nieces birthday at Spaghetti Factory downtown...all 20 of us! It was fun. Little M showed me her cheers - OMG! so cute. We just hung out the rest of the day. I made dinner for all of us and then we decided to take the kids on a bike ride again, at a more reasonable hour. E & N both got flat tires so we walked out bikes back home. Later that night Coach and all the kids were over to hang out a bit. We chatted and just hung out.

Today we cleaned house - FUN, ran to the store - OH THE EXCITEMENT! and then went to A's parents for the girls birthday party - Ok that really was fun! I got to snuggle the baby, hang out with the besties, chat with my "other family" and I was even nice. I was polite when the need arose, had yummy cupcakes, had some champagne with the ladies and chatted with my "boyfriend" (otherwise known as J's step dad - he is adorable and so funny). The kids are watching a movie and I am sitting on the couch. E just came out and said he thought he might barf...PLEASE NO! He isn't sure why - his tummy doesn't hurt but he still thinks he might. If you are - better now than later - you start school in four days! BE WELL!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lessons learned

Tonight after dinner the boys and I went and picked up my grandma and took her out for ice cream. It was a surprise visit so she wasn't ready to "go out" funny! Grandma we are going to small town ice cream and you look fine but no way. She had to comb her hair, change her pants and find some different shoes. The boys were playing with the dog so I sat on the couch. Something fell on the floor and I bent down to pick it up. They were old cards, Easter cards, a Birthday card. They were addressed to my grandma and they were from my grandpa. I started to cry. My grandpa has been gone for over ten years and she is still reading his cards. She misses him still today. She mentioned at ice cream that she hadn't been to see him in a long time. "No one likes to go to the cemetery you know." So I promised to take her after work tomorrow. We chatted a little more while we ate our pineapple sherbet and then she mentioned really needing some groceries so we hit up the store. Once she was done the boys bagged her groceries and we helped put them away when we got home. I don't visit often enough.....

My grandparents were married in their early 20's and were married for over 50 years before my grandpa passed away. Why settle for someone you won't miss after they have been gone for 10 years. There are people I don't miss the second they are out the door. If I was ever to decide to do the whole marriage thing again it would have to be with someone that would still miss me 10 years later, someone I would miss right back. I seriously doubt that is even possible so I guess it isn't likely and that's ok. To know that someone I love had that kind of relationship is awesome.

Tomorrow when I take her to see him she will tell him little things and I will listen. The boys have never been but heard us talking so they want to come. I think they are old enough to understand what is happening and they didn't know my grandpa so they won't be "missing him" the same is if we were visiting someone they knew. I will be. I love my grandpa. He was the only one I knew growing up. He was so funny and knew every kind of plant in the yard...and I am talking HUNDREDS! He could grow a garden like no ones business. What a story teller too. I wish the boys could have known him.

She doesn't know I saw the cards and she doesn't need to. My grandpa knows she is still reading them and thinking of him after all this time and that is enough.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have no idea why I stopped blogging...I guess it just didn't fit in the summer schedule. I miss it. I have continued to read all the blogs I follow.

Let's see...where to start! The boys are getting ready to start school..a new school. Our old one closed. They are excited and so am I. We have done all our shopping. Next week we will get hair cuts, find out our teachers names, have an ice cream social and then start....very exciting times!

Coach and I are still seeing each other. We spend a lot of time with our kids and that has been fun. Not sure what it all means or where it will go or where I want it to go...time will tell I guess. It is mostly fun, we laugh a lot. The kids adore each other. I adore all the kids.

Time together without kids has been few and far between. PTD became a world class loser! He no longer sees the boys and hasn't for months. He doesn't call, he doesn't pay and he doesn't return phone calls. I wish him death...I know that is terrible to say but you already broke my babies hearts you mother fucker so you may happily go straight to hell! And FUCK OFF! No nice way to say that. I HATE YOU! I basically told your mother that on the phone the other day!

We went camping over part of the 4th of July weekend, spent time in SF, went on LOTS of bike rides, went to the movies, had a yard sale, switched some things up at the house. Over all a great summer. The kids are getting too big and no longer wanting to do little kid stuff. :( Where the heck are my babies.

Maybe I will try and remember to do this more often......