I swear that is the best way to describe this glorious 4 1/2 day vacation. It truly feels like I just walked out of my office early on Wednesday with all this free time ahead of me and now its over!
Wednesday I ran a couple errands and picked up the boys. We came home and hung out and then S came over for a little while. J picked her up and ended up staying for a little while and having dinner and pre-Thanksgiving pie. I knew I wanted to get to bed early so I was ready for the run in the morning.
Thursday morning I took the boys to my sisters house and picked up my niece and we headed over to my other sisters house. The last couple of years me, my sister, brother-in-law and two nieces do the run. Last year we did the 10k but this year we had a bit of a scheduling issue so we were only able to do the 5k. I had a terrible time sleeping the night before so I was totally ok with that. Even my pre-run Starbucks didn't do much to motivate me. After I picked up the boys and the pies and we headed over to my parents for dinner. WE HAD A BLAST! :) All the kids and family were home. We just hung out, watched the game, played with the kids, laughed, laughed and laughed some more. Not to mention all the eating! Man, we ate. We also tried to get my sister to go into labor...no luck! Later that night I brought the boys to Nana and Papa's for a sleepover and then over to A's for some shopping strategies. I guess the rest of this story is actually Friday! :)
Friday - J, A, N and I hit Toys R Us at midnight. Spent the hour or so before in line watching the crazies...not to mention the two homeless guys in front of us trying to sell their spot in line. CRAZY! Once we finished we had a couple hours to kill before Old Navy opened so we thought Denny's sounded good. WRONG! We waited forever and no one came to take our drink order so we bounced out and hit Del Taco instead. We ruined a family while we sat in the car waiting for the store to open...not our fault. Don't listen to conversations in other people's car! :) After ON we hit Starbucks (THANK YOU!) and then off to Target. We walked out of Walmart just as the sun was coming up. At this point I had been up for about 26 hours. We had a BLAST! Laughed so much it was crazy. Built our "friendship foundation" for life. :) I came home and hit the loot and then slept for a couple hours before I picked up the boys. I ended up having lunch with Nana and the kiddos. Awesome. The rest of the day was a total waste. I couldn't get off the couch/bed all day. The kids and I mostly just watched TV. I crashed early!
Saturday we cleaned, and cleaned and cleaned. Then we ran some errands and got some candy canes for our tree. :) It was a pretty low key day....and the wind was just crazy! We just hung out as a family.
Sunday - Today we got our Christmas tree! We went out and cut it down with family. The boys picked it out...not my most favorite tree but that's ok. They love that they picked it. My parents were over so my dad could install my new security screen door and my mom hung out in the house with us while we listened to x-mas music and decorated the tree and house. We had pizza for lunch and then the boys went out to decorate our mini trees in the front yard. I HATE those trees but they do look cute covered in tinsel and ornaments. :) I hope to get some more outside decorations soon....weather/energy/money permitting. I am a huge fan of the holidays. I loved this four days of family and friends and can't wait for more!
Tomorrow is work, work, work! Oh well, it couldn't last forever. Next week is the first of the holiday parties...this one in SF on Thursday and it is a fun one so that's good.